Introduction to Worldbuilding Reviewed

Worldbuilding reviewed is a space where I review the worldbuilding in media that I’m consuming. This can include books, movies, series, video games, or anything else that I find interesting.

A note that, while any fictional place or culture would classify as worldbuilding, I will focus on worldbuilding in fantasy  (and sometimes science fiction). So that could include magic systems, technology, creatures, races, and environments that don’t/can’t exist in the real world, as well as the culture and societies that are built around any of these elements.

Rather than just summarising the worldbuilding, I will discuss my thoughts on a few of the aspects that were most interesting to me and how these aspects interplay with each other and/or with the other elements (e.g. the story, characters, gameplay, etc.).

My opinions and thoughts probably won’t be fact-checked, but are rather reflections of my own perception of the various elements as I experienced them. There will also likely be some minor spoilers, but I will minimise them where possible, and indicate the presence of any major spoilers in the post title.

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