Adding interactive fiction and games to the site

This month, I’ve spent a lot of time on interactive narratives, and have thus changed the “My stories” section to “My writing” and included both the short stories that were in there previously, and now also video games and interactive fiction I’ve worked on. Go here for the latter. Among that, you can also find the interactive fiction project, codenamed …

“Into the Molten Sea” and “A Proof of Worth” available on SFFSA’s website

Issues 183 and 184 of Probe are available on SFFSA’s website after a period of no updates. These issues contain my two stories that placed in the 2019 Nova competition — “Into the Molten Sea” and “Proof of Worth”, respectively. They also have the judge’s comments and the other winning stories, if you are interested in reading those.

WBR: Promise of Blood (Powder Mage series) – Brian McClellan

The first and most obvious worldbuilding element in this first book of the Powder Mage series is the titular powder mages, also known as the Marked. They are interesting because they are the outliers. There is magic in this world, and it is visible through the use of any magic user’s third eye, which shows the presence of sorcery, but …

WBR: The Lies of Locke Lamora (Gentlemen Bastards series) – Scott Lynch

The worldbuilding in Lies of Locke Lamora is quite subtle at first, but it becomes more and more prevalent as the story carries on. The core rules of the world function mostly the same, save for three major deviations: The  magic of the so-called Bondsmages (and based on the descriptions, there was once other magic as well), the existence of …

Short story collection available for download

With the main purpose of having something easily accessible for people to read the kinds of stories that I like to and tend to write, I’ve put together a short story collection, called Tales at the Edge of Resolve, which I’ve made available to download for free on the Downloads page. It contains the three Nova-winning short stories “The Nowhere …

WBR: The Fifth Season (Broken Earth Trilogy) by N.K. Jemisin

What grabbed me most about the Stillness (as the world is called) is how shaped and sculpted everything seemed given the kind of world it was. From the pyramid-shaped homes and the use castes and the runny packs. The “magic system” of the setting seemed very much like a sort of inherent part of the world; just a segment of …

Two more stories that (mostly) made it, and plans for 2020

Last year’s Nova The results of SFFSA’s 2019 Nova competition was recently announced, and I was stoked to see that both stories I submitted made the top three, kind of. I say “kind of” because one won joint second place, and the other won joint third place. Interestingly, the one that won joint second place, “Into the Molten Sea”, was …